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1. Marcus was in his usual attire as he started the day like any other and went through the movements of loosening his body so as not to injure himself when he started his usual workouts. After about fifteen minutes of warming-up he then drew his sword and started practicing with it by swinging the blade at different angles so as to keep his arm muscles strong. After about an hour he switched to hand-to-hand combat on a practice dummy so as to keep the rest of his body in shape. When another hour passed he ended the day's workout in a sweat. He gladly sat down beneath the shade of a large oak tree to rest and cool off. As he sat there under the branches he watched them swing back and forth in the breeze and let his mind wonder as it pondered on different things. He ran his hands through his red hair and let out a sigh as he finally decided. Decided that it was time to talk to the high council about him going to the human world and learning more about the people that lived there. Especially since they chose what to teach him and he felt as if they were keeping things from him.

   Marcus made his way to the high council's chamber and waited in the main hall until they were able to see him. As he waited he thought about all the different kind of people he might meet and what he could learned from them which kind of excited him. After about ten minutes he was told that they were ready to see him though when he went in it didn't look at all like they were ready since all they were arguing amongst themselves. After a few minutes and it didn't seem like it was gonna end anytime soon he became slightly annoyed and shouted at them to "Shut it!!".

  This surprised the council causing them all to stop and stare at him in shock since Marcus didn't usually burst out like that. When he had their attention he cleared his throat and apologized for his sudden outburst before explaining to them what he planned to do. Though they didn't seem to be all that surprised by this since they knew that this would happen some day soon. They had already planned on giving him permission to leave, but some were saddened that Marcus would be leaving. Some of the elders had grown quite fond of Marcus and hated to see him leave so suddenly. Marcus however, quickly left for his home and began to gather his things; his crystals, books, research notes, and clothing. Once he was sure he had everything he'd need he then made his way to the base of the Tree of Erisdar where the portal to the human world resided. The portal had an appearance of a three story high crumbling stone archway on a large stone dais. The portal could have only been opened by one of the Elders but Marcus felt with enough time he'd have found another way to open it.

  As Marcus waited he thought about all the things and people he'd miss while away but also felt excited for all the new things he'd get to experience. Eventually, Shalerth showed up and activated the portal warning Marcus that he doesn't know where in the human world he'd been sent to since the connection to the other gate had been lost for some time. Marcus understood the risk involved but he felt he'd waited long enough and watched as the gateway activated, a thin grew veil slowly appeared in the archway. Marcus let out a shaky breath as he stared at the veil before he slowly walked through and everything went dark... (The place he shows up at depends on the roleplay.)​




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