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Types of Magic Hyuga Uses


This is just a simple list of the basic types of Magic that Marcus is capable of using. Know that these are not all of the spells that he is capable of using but is not one hundred proficient or compatible with each element. Hyuga is mostly proficient and compatible with Fire Magic.

Water Magic
 Fire Magic

Fire Magic is one of the four basic elemental magics that mages or other magic users are often taught. Fire Magic is mainly used to cause destruction and set things ablaze but it can also be used to closes wounds, and also has the capability to cure one of poisons, depending on how advanced the spell is.

Water Magic is another of the four basic elemental magics that is commonly taught throughout history. Water Magic is can be used defensively, offensively, or used for healing purposes. It can be use to get ride of large groups of people, cut through steel, block against fire magic, or it can be used the ease the pain of wounded individuals.

Air Magic is the last of the four basic elemental magics that are used throughout the world. It can be used to help move large objects, blast away flying projectiles, and it can also help boost the power of fire magic.

Earth Magic is also one of the four basic elemental magics that is widely used by different people. It can be used to change the terrain of battle fields the better suit the needs of one's forces or to help with farming.

Air Magic
Earth Magic
Summoning Magic

Summoning Magic is pretty much magic used to summon spirits to use in whatever way that the summoner wishes, whether it be for battle or to simply to do the chores you don't want to. Marcus mainly uses one certain spirit because of its loyalty and effectiveness in battle. This spirit takes on the form of a Knight in full body armor with a shield made of magma, a body of fire, and a sword with flames in place of a metal blade.


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